Does your face have the expression of just having bit into a lemon when your neuroma makes every step painful?

  • Is walking even five steps torture?
  • You can’t wear the shoes you love because they hurt so much?
  • You don’t even find relief in sneakers?
  • Have you stopped the exercise routine that keeps the rest of you healthy?

You have tried one or more of these recommended treatments:

  • Strong oral pain medications like Gabapentin and Lyrica
  • Rest
  • Change of shoes
  • Ice
  • Oral Anti-inflammatories
  • Injections using local anesthesia and steroids
  • Shock wave therapy
  • Custom arch supports
  • Sclerosing injections
  • Cutting out the nerve

You are still in pain. How could a doctor miss an important treatment available to cure the problem without surgically cutting the nerve?

Is there anything more I can do?

Your suffering and endless treatment cycle can end. Today the cause can be treated and you can be cured. For life.

The newest medical research indicates that neuroma pain is caused by excessive strain acting on the inter-metatarsal nerve. The stress on the nerve can be caused by a misalignment of the talus and calcaneus bones.

The cure is a life changing, minimally invasive procedure that addresses the cause of the problem. A stent is inserted (using local anesthesia) and the misalignment is fixed and the pressure is off your nerve. Think about driving your car before and after a wheel alignment.

You are able to walk immediately after the procedure and full recovery is typically six weeks.

To learn more about this treatment and how it can help you make an appointment to see Dr. Baldinger to cure your neuroma. Imagine life without pain.